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My item may be defective or was damaged in transit. What can I do?Updated 17 days ago

Although it's rare, items can occasionally arrive in a condition that does not meet our standards. We know this is a disappointing experience and are happy to assist you with this! You can submit a request for replacement or refund if the item was purchased from our site within the last 30 days.

To submit a Defect Review Request, please visit our Returns Page. Follow the on-screen instructions to select the item(s) you would like to submit for review, and then select "Item Defective and/or Damaged" when prompted. You must submit two photos: one of the area(s) of concern and one of the item’s tag or heat seal label. If you'd like a replacement, select "Exchange" or for a refund, select "Return".

Please allow 1-2 business days for our team to review your request. If your item is outside the 30-day window, please note that request approvals may be granted on a case-by-case basis, circumstances permitting.

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